• In today's digital landscape, having a website is not enough. You need to drive targeted visitors to your website in order to increase your chances of success. Whether you are an e-commerce store owner, a blogger, or a small business owner, the more targeted visitors you have, the greater your chances of converting them into customers. In this article, we will explore five cost-effective strategies to drive targeted organic visitors to your website.

    Understanding The Importance of Targeted Visitors

    Before we dive into the strategies, it is essential to understand the importance of targeted visitors. Targeted Visitors are individuals who are genuinely interested in the products or services you offer. They are more likely to engage with your content, make a purchase, or share your website with others. By driving targeted visitors to your website, you increase your chances of achieving your business goals and boosting your online presence.

    What Is Organic Traffic and How To Increase It?

    Organic traffic refers to the visitors who land on your website through unpaid search results. These visitors are actively searching for information related to your industry or niche and are more likely to convert into customers. To increase organic traffic, you need to optimize your website for search engines. This involves keyword research, on-page optimization, creating high-quality content, and building backlinks. By implementing these strategies, you can improve your website's visibility in search engine results and attract more targeted visitors.

    Exploring Different Strategies to Boost Organic Traffic

    Now that we understand the importance of targeted visitors and organic traffic, let's explore five cost-effective strategies to boost organic traffic to your website:

    1. Content Marketing 

    Content marketing is a powerful strategy for driving targeted organic visitors to your website. By creating valuable and relevant content, you can attract your target audience. Start by identifying the pain points and interests of your target audience and create content that addresses those needs. Publish blog posts, articles, videos, or infographics that provide valuable information and engage your readers. Optimize your content with relevant keywords to improve its visibility in search engine results.

    2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for increasing organic traffic to your website. Start by conducting keyword research to identify the terms and phrases your target audience is using to search for information related to your industry. Optimize your website's meta tags, headings, and content with these keywords. Additionally, improve your website's loading speed, ensure mobile-friendliness, and build high-quality backlinks. By implementing effective SEO strategies, you can improve your website's ranking in search engine results and attract more targeted visitors.

    3. Social Media Marketing 

    Social media platforms offer a vast audience for promoting your website and driving targeted visitors. Create compelling profiles on relevant social media platforms and share engaging content with your followers. Interact with your audience, join relevant groups and communities, and promote your website's content. Use hashtags and keywords to increase the visibility of your posts. By leveraging the power of social media, you can increase your website's reach and attract targeted organic visitors.

    4. Guest Blogging 

    Guest blogging is a cost-effective strategy to drive targeted organic visitors to your website. Identify high-authority websites and blogs in your industry and offer to write guest posts for them. Ensure that your guest posts provide valuable information and link back to your website. This not only increases your website's visibility but also helps you establish yourself as an industry expert. By guest blogging on reputable websites, you can attract their audience to visit your website and increase your organic traffic.

    5. Email Marketing 

    Email marketing is a highly effective strategy for driving targeted organic visitors. Build an email list by offering valuable content or incentives to your website visitors. Segment your email list based on the interests and preferences of your subscribers. Send targeted emails that provide valuable information, exclusive offers, or updates about your website. By nurturing your email subscribers and providing them with valuable content, you can drive targeted visitors to your website and increase your organic traffic.

    The Benefits Of Buying Website Traffic

    While organic traffic is crucial for the long-term success of your website, there are instances where buying website traffic can be beneficial. Buying website traffic can provide a quick boost in visitors and increase your website's visibility. However, it is important to ensure that the traffic you buy is targeted and from reputable sources. Be cautious of low-quality traffic providers that may use bots or deliver irrelevant visitors. When done right, buying website traffic can complement your organic traffic strategies and contribute to your overall website growth.

    The Difference Between Direct Traffic And Organic Traffic

    To understand how to drive targeted visitors to your website, it is essential to differentiate between direct traffic and organic traffic. Direct traffic refers to visitors who directly type your website's URL into their browser or click on a bookmark. These visitors are already familiar with your brand or have visited your website before. On the other hand, organic traffic is generated through search engine results and consists of visitors who are actively searching for information related to your industry. While direct traffic is valuable, organic traffic allows you to reach a wider audience and attract new visitors to your website.

    How To Buy Organic Traffic for Your Website

    If you are considering buying organic traffic for your website, it is important to approach it with caution. To Buy Organic Traffic involves purchasing targeted visitors from reputable sources. Look for traffic providers that offer transparent reporting and guarantee targeted visitors. Ensure that the traffic you buy is from real users and not bots. Additionally, monitor the impact of the purchased traffic on your website's metrics to assess its effectiveness. Buying organic traffic can be a valuable strategy if done correctly and in conjunction with your organic traffic efforts.

    Boosting Organic Site Traffic for Realtors

    Realtors can significantly benefit from boosting organic site traffic. By implementing the strategies mentioned earlier, realtors can attract targeted visitors who are actively looking to buy or sell properties. Creating high-quality content that addresses common real estate questions and concerns can help realtors position themselves as trusted experts. Additionally, optimizing their website for local search terms can attract visitors who are specifically interested in properties within their area. By consistently implementing effective organic traffic strategies, realtors can increase their online visibility and attract more potential clients.

    Tools And Resources To Help Increase Organic Traffic

    There are several tools and resources available to help you increase organic traffic to your website. Keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Moz Keyword Explorer can help you identify relevant keywords to optimize your content. SEO plugins like Yoast SEO can assist you in optimizing your website for search engines. Social media management tools like Hootsuite and Buffer can streamline your social media marketing efforts. Additionally, analytics tools like Google Analytics can provide valuable insights into your website's performance and visitor behavior. By leveraging these tools and resources, you can enhance your organic traffic strategies and drive targeted visitors to your website.

    Conclusion And Final Thoughts on Driving Targeted Visitors To Your Website

    Driving targeted visitors to your website is crucial for achieving your business goals and increasing your online presence. By implementing cost-effective strategies like content marketing, search engine optimization, social media marketing, guest blogging, and email marketing, you can boost your organic traffic and attract visitors who are genuinely interested in your products or services. While Buying Web Traffic can provide a quick boost, it is important to approach it cautiously and ensure that the traffic is targeted and from reputable sources. By consistently implementing these strategies and leveraging tools and resources, you can drive targeted organic visitors to your website and set yourself up for success in the digital landscape.

    Remember, building organic traffic takes time and effort, but the long-term benefits are worth it. Start implementing these strategies today and watch your targeted visitors and website growth soar!

    Call to Action: Ready to take your website to the next level? Start implementing these cost-effective strategies to drive targeted organic visitors to your website today!






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  • If you’re planning a home renovation project, it’s important to consider your budget and find ways to save money. Renovations can often be more expensive than anticipated, but there are some smart strategies you can use to reduce costs. Here are 10 money-saving tips for your home renovation and Home Remodeling Contractors in Milwaukee project that will help you get the most out of your renovation without breaking the bank. From planning ahead and shopping around for materials, to doing some of the work yourself, these tips will help you save money and still get the results you want. With a little bit of research and planning, you can make your renovation project a success without spending more than you need to.



    Set a budget and stick to it

    The first step to any renovation project is to create a budget. We recommend that you set aside 20% of the total project cost as a contingency fund – just in case you encounter some unanticipated expenses during the process. You can save money during the renovation process by following these tips: Whenever possible, buy used materials such as flooring, appliances and fixtures. You can also consider renting some equipment you need for the project, such as a nail gun for flooring or a compressor for your HVAC project. Skip the extras. These include the high-end cabinets, the expensive tile for the kitchen, and the top-of-the-line fixtures. You can always replace them later when you have more money. Prioritize your renovation project. If you have several projects going on at the same time, designate one as the top priority so you can finish it first.


    Shop around for the best prices

    When it comes to renovating your home, you’ll probably be spending a lot more money than you’d expect. And since you want to save a lot of money as you renovate, you’ll want to make sure you’re shopping around for the best prices on everything from flooring to fixtures. Here are some tips for shopping around: Make a list of all the materials you need for your renovation project and then compare the prices you find at different stores. If you’re replacing appliances, look at used appliances as an alternative to match your budget. If you’re hiring a contractor, ask for their list of materials and then shop around to get the best prices on everything you need.


    Know when to DIY and when to hire a professional

    There are some renovations that are best done by a professional, such as electrical and plumbing work, and others that you can do yourself – like installing new flooring or painting. Here are some tips to help you decide whether to hire a professional or do the work yourself: If you’re not sure how to do a renovation project, hire a professional to do it for you. If you’re not sure if it’s a DIY project, ask for advice from someone who has experience doing it. You can research the project online, talk to experts and read articles about it to give you a better idea of what it involves. You’ll save a lot of money by doing some of the work yourself.


    Reuse and repurpose materials

    Whenever possible, try to reuse and repurpose materials from your existing home to save money. You can repurpose materials such as old flooring, cabinets or appliances that are still good, but just need a new paint job. You can also use reclaimed wood and other materials that have been recycled. If you’re repainting rooms, choose a neutral color that can be used in multiple rooms. You can also use natural lighting and ventilation to reduce your energy use and lower your utility bills.


    Buy supplies in bulk

    If you’re renovating a kitchen or bathroom, you can save money by buying supplies in bulk. When renovating a kitchen, you can also save money by choosing affordable cabinets and fixtures. Choose materials that are durable and that you can use for years to come. You can also save money when renovating your bathroom by installing a low-flow toilet, a low-flow showerhead, and energy-efficient lighting.


    Choose energy-efficient appliances

    If you’re renovating your kitchen, you can save money by choosing energy-efficient appliances. You can also save money by getting contractor financing on your renovation project. Contractor financing allows you to pay for your project in monthly installments. You can get a lower interest rate on contractor financing than you’ll get from a bank or credit card. By choosing energy-efficient appliances, you’ll also be lowering your monthly utility bills, which is another way to save money.


    Get creative with financing

    If you plan to hire a contractor to renovate your home, you may need to get a home equity line of credit (HELOC) to finance the project. You can choose to pay your renovation project with a credit card, but you’ll have to pay interest on it. Instead, consider getting a HELOC, which is a loan that uses the equity in your home as collateral. The interest rate on a HELOC is usually lower than on a credit card, and you can pay it back over a longer period of time – which helps you manage your cash flow. You can also use a home improvement loan to finance your renovation project. A home improvement loan is a type of secured loan that uses the equity in your home as collateral. Interest rates and loan terms vary, so shop around.


    Consider leveraging tax deductions

    If you’re renovating your home, you may be able to deduct the costs from your income tax. If you’re renovating your kitchen, for example, you can deduct the cost of replacing your appliances. You can also deduct the cost of refinishing or repairing hardwood floors. You can increase your tax deduction by hiring contractors who are contractors who are members of a union. Union workers may charge more, but they may also have better insurance coverage and provide higher-quality work.


    Utilize home improvement grants

    If you’re renovating your home to make it more energy efficient, you may be eligible for a home improvement grant. Some utility companies, including electric and gas companies, as well as local and state governments also offer home improvement grants. You can search online for home improvement grant programs near you. Many of these grant programs require you to match a portion of the grant funds, but it’s worth it since the money is going toward a home improvement project that will save money in the long run.


    Take advantage of sale offers

    When you’re renovating your home, you may have to buy a lot of materials. To save money on these materials, take advantage of sale offers and shop during the off season. Buy your appliances during the off season, too. If you’re renovating your home in the summer, shop for materials when it’s the off season, when stores have clearance sales on heat-producing materials.



    There’s a lot that goes into a successful home renovation project, from planning and budgeting to shopping for materials and hiring the right contractors. A successful renovation project isn’t something you do on a whim; it’s something that requires careful preparation and lots of patience. No matter what renovation project you’re undertaking, you’ll be glad you put in the effort and planned for any eventualities. With a little bit of research and planning, you can make your renovation project a success without spending more than you need to.

    your comment
  • The tutorial provided to complete and optimize the topics in the introductory Python is provided. Familiarity with NumPy (in the second lesson) also opens a new phase of programming in Python for users.

    Python is especially popular around the world for its simplicity and power. Programs written with Python are implemented on Windows, Macintosh, Unix, Linux, Solaris, etc. operating systems. It is an interpreter programming language and is a fully object-oriented language that uses automatic memory management. The purpose of this course is to provide topics for completing and optimizing introductory Python, and also introduces NumPy to a new phase of programming in Python.

    The list of topics and outlines of the topics discussed in this training series is as follows:

    • Lesson 1: Introducing and Defining Arrays in Python
      • An overview of the introduction of the Python language
      • Install Python
      • Define arrays
    • Lesson Two: Introducing the NumPy Package
      • Introduction and necessity of learning
      • How to install Pie Name (NumPy)
      • Start programming with the pie name
        • Create an array named pie
        • Introduction of several functions
      • Appendix
        • Introduce and remind a few commonly used functions
        • Computational commands in arrays
        • Four main actions and possible errors
        • Calculate the correlation function
        • Introduction of meshgrid function
    • Lesson 3: Drawing Charts in Python
      • Types of charts
      • Modules and packages that can be used to draw diagrams in Python
        • Matplotlib package
          • Introducing the Matplotlib package
          • Sub-packages of Matplotlib module
          • How to install Matplotlib
        • PyLab package
      • Introduction of several functions
      • Draw two-dimensional diagrams
        • Draw a bar chart
        • Draw a step chart
        • Draw a histogram
        • Draw a pie chart

    This tutorial was previously published in under the title Python-Supplementary Programming. Given that the focus of this tutorial has been on the NumPy and Matplotlib libraries; The tutorial title was changed to work with the NumPy and Matplotlib libraries in Python to make the tutorial title more reflective of the tutorial content. Also in, the title of Python programming training - supplementary - the first part with different and varied topics will be published soon, which is available through the following.

    Useful for strings

    • All engineering disciplines
    • Science


     Python Programming Tutorial - Basic

    What you will see in this tutorial:

    File programs and executed projects

    PDF file Instructor presentation notes


    Training related software

     Python 2.7.11


    1. Introducing and defining arrays in Python Video playback
    2. 2. Introducing the NumPy package 
    3. Introducing the NumPy Package (Attachment) 
    4. Drawing diagrams in Python (a) 
    5. Drawing diagrams in Python (b) 
    6. Drawing diagrams in Python (p) 

    Undoubtedly, Python is one of the best, most widely used and most powerful programming languages ​​in the world. One of the most interesting features of this all-purpose language is writing desktop applications (similar to Windows Form in C #). If you work with Python or want to get started, you need to know at least one graphical user interface (GUI) of the many graphical interfaces written for it.

    Undoubtedly, Python is one of the best, most widely used and most powerful programming languages ​​in the world. One of the most interesting features of this all-purpose language is writing desktop applications (similar to Windows Form in C #). If you work with Python or want to get started, you need to know at least one graphical user interface (GUI) of the many graphical interfaces written for it.

    This tutorial is a brief introduction to the graphics.py package and then we go to the standard and default Python package. includes various widgets that have been tried to cover all of them and it is very easy to learn and widely used. This tutorial is complete and step by step with many examples for better and faster learning of topics. At the end of the tutorial, you will be able to write a desktop application with Python.

    The list of topics and outlines of the topics discussed in this training series is as follows:

    • Lesson one: Introducing Python graphic packages
      • Introduction
    • Lesson two: Introducing the graphics.py package
      • Package installation
      • Introduction of basic functions with example
      • Additional example (a sticker and creating a triangle)
    • Lesson three:
      • Introduction! Hello world
      • Build Label Widget and Introduction to Geometry
      • Button, Check button, Radio button widgets
      • Description and example Event Handler
      • Entry, Text widgets
      • Combo box, Spin box, List box widgets
      • Menu widgets, Menu button
      • Message widgets, tk Message Box
      • Canvas widget
      • Frame widgets, Paned Window, Label Frame, Top level
      • Scale, Scrollbar, Progress bar widgets
      • Tree view widget
      • Dialog box widget
      • Supplementary topic of geometry
      • Events ،Mouse Event
      • Supplementary topics and projects

    Useful for strings

    • Programming
    • Computer Engineering


    With Python 3.6 platform you can buy traffic to your website

    What you will see in this tutorial:

    File programs and executed projects

    Training related software

     Python 3.6


    1. Introduction to Python graphical interfaces 

    Video playback

    2.Introducing Graphics.py package 

    1. Introducing the Tkinter Widget (a) 
    2. Introducing the Tkinter widget (b) 
    3. Introducing the Tkinter widget (p) 
    4. Introducing the Tkinter Widget (T) 
    5. Introducing the Tkinter Widget 


    This training includes 7 video sessions with a total of 5 hours and 3 minutes.

    By providing this tutorial, you can access all its sections and sessions.

    Training order guide

    Do you know how easy it is to get a tutorial from and start learning?

    (More tips +)

    Do you have any questions about this tutorial or how to prepare it?

    • Call the phone number of the contact unit 57916000 (prefix 021). - All office hours
    • Correspond with us by email ( this link ). - Average response time: 30 minutes

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  • What Is On The Job Training Economics?

    In this training, we are going to get acquainted with how labor is supplied by people in the community, how to create demand for labor through firms, market balance, how to determine wages, and similar topics. We also get acquainted with the types of labor market, how the government intervenes in this area, trade unions. 

    In the macro area, we will deal with the phenomenon of unemployment, its effects and consequences, and finally we will get acquainted with the Islamic view of work and manpower. Labor and manpower economics is one of the main units for undergraduate economics students.


    Each of us devotes part of our time to work and economic activity and so-called spending our time in the labor market. How we operate in this market determines the amount of wealth, consumer goods, welfare level, type of leisure and income, and therefore, understanding the labor market and manpower, how it works and the wage setting system in this market is of great importance. Enjoys.


    In this training, we are going to get acquainted with how labor is supplied by people in the community, how to create demand for labor through firms, market balance, how to determine wages, and similar topics. We also get acquainted with the types of labor market, how the government intervenes in this area.


    . In the macro area, we will deal with the phenomenon of unemployment, its effects and consequences, and finally we will get acquainted with the Islamic view of work and manpower. Labor and manpower economics is one of the main units for undergraduate economics students.


    The following is a list of topics covered in this tutorial:

    §   Lesson One: Introduction and Generalities

    ·          Labor market characteristics

    ·          Labor force, the factor of production

    ·          Human resource planning

    ·          Labor demand(HERE)

    ·          Defining the demand for labor

    ·          Labor demand in the short term

    ·          The value of the final production of labor

    ·          The final cost of the production agent

    ·          Determining the level of employment

    ·          Labor demand curve

    ·          Labor demand in the long run

    §   Lesson 2: Demand elasticity and labor supply

    ·          Definition of traction

    ·          Interpretation of price elasticity of demand

    ·          Factors affecting the price elasticity of labor

    ·          Labor supply curve

    ·          Labor migration

    ·          Supply of labor in the short term

    ·          Impact of budget changes

    ·          The effect of substitution and income due to wage rate changes

    ·          Supply of labor in the long run

    §   Lesson three: Balance in the labor market

    ·          Forms of increasing labor demand

    ·          Transfer of labor supply and demand curves

    ·          Wage-productivity-price relationship

    §   Lesson 4: Human capital

    ·          The concept of human capital

    ·          Investment versus consumption

    ·          Human capital model

    §   Lesson 5: The difference between equilibrium wages in the long run

    ·          Reasons for equilibrium wage differences in the long run

    ·          Search economics and the cost of obtaining information

    ·          The difference between long-term equilibrium wages in the transition process

    §   Lesson 6: Monopoly on sales and purchases website visitors

    ·          Monopoly on sales

    ·          Monopoly on shopping

    ·          Compare types of markets

    §   Lesson 7: Trade Unions

    ·          Trade unions and their impact on the labor market

    ·          Definition and tasks

    ·          Models related to union growth

    ·          Collective bargaining

    ·          Contract area

    ·          The strike and its costs

    ·          Demand for union labor

    ·          The Impact of Trade Unions on Employment and Social Welfare

    ·          Determining the minimum wage by the union

    §   Lesson 8: Wages and employment in the public sector

    ·          Government presence in the economy

    ·          Public goods

    ·          External consequences

    ·          Public sector demand for labor

    ·          Optimal allocation of labor between the two sectors

    §   Lesson 9: Government Intervention in the Labor Market

    ·          Determining the minimum wage by the government

    ·          Provide income for workers

    ·          Government intervention to prevent discrimination

    ·          The need for a permit for economic activity

    §   Lesson 10: Unemployment and Inflation

    ·          Definition of unemployment

    ·          Frictional unemployment

    ·          Structural unemployment

    ·          Natural unemployment

    ·          Unemployment demand decline

    ·          Price and wage flexibility in the long run

    ·          The relationship between inflation and unemployment

    ·          Philips Curve in the short and long term

    §   Lesson 11: Income distribution

    ·          Income distribution among factors of production

    ·          Income distribution and trade unions

    ·          The size of the equality or inequality of the income distribution

    ·          Gini index

    ·          Efficiency or equality

    §   Lesson 12: Islamic teachings and labor economics

    ·          Motivation

    ·          Work etiquette

    ·          salary

    ·          Philosophy of work

    ·          Works of work

    Useful for disciplines

    §   Economy


     Introduction to microeconomics 2


    What you will see in this tutorial:

    PDF file Instructor presentation notes




Description automatically generated with low confidence 

    1. Introduction and generalities 

    Video playback


Description automatically generated with low confidence 

    2. Demand elasticity and labor supply 


Description automatically generated with low confidence 

    3. Labor market equilibrium 


Description automatically generated with low confidence 

    4. Human Capital 


Description automatically generated with low confidence 

    5. The difference between equilibrium wages in the long run 


Description automatically generated with low confidence 

    6. Monopoly on sales and purchases 


Description automatically generated with low confidence 

    7. labor unions 


Description automatically generated with low confidence 

    8. Wages and employment in the public sector 


Description automatically generated with low confidence 

    9. Government intervention in the labor market 


Description automatically generated with low confidence10. Unemployment and inflation 


Description automatically generated with low confidence11. Distribution of income 


Description automatically generated with low confidence 

    12.  Teachings and labor economics 

    By providing this tutorial, you can access all its sections and sessions.

    Training order guide

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  • How to Start Learning JavaScript with our Free Real Time Tutorial


    Nowadays, because cyberspace communication has flourished, designing a site in a way that is suitable and preferred by different users has become very important. For this reason, business owners are looking for professional designers to design a suitable and efficient site for the prosperity of their work.


    Therefore, learning appropriate and up-to-date site design methods has been considered by many enthusiasts and job seekers. JavaScript is a client-side interpreter programming language that can be used to modify HTML elements on a web page and their CSS values, as well as a tool for data validation.

     Nowadays, because cyberspace communication has flourished, designing a site in a way that is suitable and preferred by different users has become very important. For this reason, business owners are looking for professional designers to design a suitable and efficient site for the prosperity of their work” targetedwebtraffic.com”. Therefore, learning appropriate and up-to-date site design methods has been considered by many enthusiasts and job seekers.

    Of course, it should be noted that most professional sites use several programming languages, each of which performs a specific task. HTML is one of the most widely used languages, used on most sites independently or in combination with other languages.

    With the help of HTML language features, you can create a variety of web pages with all the necessary components such as: posts, tables, images, forms and. But HTML is just a design language and does not have the ability to program, control forms, respond to program events and user performance, and so on. That's why JavaScript is so important because of these capabilities.


    JavaScript is a web-based scripting language used in millions of web pages to add functions, validate forms, communicate with servers, and more.


    The list of topics and outlines of the topics discussed in this training series is as follows:

    • Lesson One: The Basics of JavaScript (a)

    • Introducing JavaScript

    • JavaScript capabilities

    • Application structure in JavaScript

    • Document object introduction

    • Introducing the Inner HTML property

    • Events and Functions

    • Lesson 2: Introduction to JavaScript (b): Introducing Data Types and Operators in JavaScript

    • String data type

    • Number data type

    • Boolean data type

    • Array data type

    • Object data type

    • JavaScript operators (arithmetic, attribution, comparison and logic)

    • Conditional Operator

    • Lesson 3: JavaScript Basics (C): Popup windows, control structures

    • Alert window

    • Confirm window

    • Prompt window

    • Control structure if

    • Switch control structure

    • Lesson 4: Defining Functions

    • Lesson 5: Loops

    • Ring for

    • While loop

    • do-while

    • For-in loop

    • Lesson 6: Events

    • Mouse events

    • Keyboard events

    • Event object

    • Lesson 7: Error and Exception Management (try-catch block)

    • Lesson 8: Document Object Model Tree

    • Change content via DOM

    • Change Attributes via DOM

    • Change Style via DOM

    • Specify Events via DOM

    • Relationships between nodes in the DOM tree

    • The concept of child Nodes, Siblings, and parent Node

    • Scroll the DOM tree

    • Lesson 9: Changing the DOM Tree

    • Create a Node with the create Element and create Text Node methods

    • Add Node with append Child, insert Before and replace Child methods

    • Remove Node with remove Child

    • Lesson 10: JavaScript Objects - String Object

    • Length, Constructor, Prototype

    • String methods

    • index Of

    • listened

    • concert

    • char Code

    • Replace

    • Split

    • Slice

    • Subset

    • Wrapper methods

    • And...

    • Lesson 11: JavaScript Objects - Date object

    • Different manufacturers of the Date class

    • Different methods of the Date class

    • get Date

    • getDay

    • getFullYear

    • getHours

    • getMilliseconds

    • getMinutes

    • getMonth

    • getTime

    • And...

    • Lesson Twelve: JavaScript Objects - Array Object

    • Length property

    • Array methods

    • indexOf

    • lastIndexOf

    • Concat

    • Join

    • Slice

    • Sort

    • Push

    • Pop

    • Shift

    • Unshift

    • Reverse

    • And...

    • Lesson 13: JavaScript Objects - Math Class (Working with Mathematics)

    • Math Properties

    • Math methods

    • Round

    • Random

    • Floor

    • Max

    • Min

    • Pow

    • Abs

    • And...

    • Lesson 14: JavaScript Objects – Reg Exp or Regular Expression Class (Regular or Regular Phrases)

    • Organized phrases concept

    • Modifier

    • RegExp methods

    • Test

    • Exec

    • Patterns

    • Metacars

    • Lesson 15: The Window Object

    • Window size (inner Width and inner Height)

    • Open method

    • close

    • Move To method

    • Resize To method

    • Screen object

    • Resolution size and avail Width and avail Height properties

    • History object and back and forward methods

    • Familiarity with the Navigator object

    • Timing and methods set Interval, set Timeout, clear Interval and clear Timeout

    • Lesson 16: Exercise 1 - Practice Preliminary Topics: Arrays and Loops

    • Lesson 17: Exercise 2 - Functions (including recursive functions)

    • Lesson 18: Exercise 3: DOM

    • Lesson 19: Exercise 4: DOM and Slide Show

    • Lesson 20: Exercise 5: Dropdown Lists

    • Lesson 21: Exercise 6: DOM and popup photos

    • Lesson 22: Exercise 7: DOM and change the right-click menu on the web page

    • Lesson 23: Exercise 8: DOM and popup photos with screen mask mode

    The following is a list of English and Persian books published in this field:

    • Nicholas C; Professional JavaScript for Web Developers; 2012

    • Mark Myers; A Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript: The new approach that uses technology to cut your effort in half; 2014

    • Jon Duckett; JavaScript and jQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development; 2014



    Web Design Tutorial with HTML - Introduction


    Web Design Tutorial with CSS - Basic


    Teaching the basics of programming


    What you will see in this tutorial:


    File programs and executed projects


    Training related software


    NotePad ++ 6.9.2



    1. 1. JavaScript Basics (a) Video playbac
    2. 2. Introduction of Data Types and Operators in JavaScript
    3. 3. Traffic Popup windows, control structures
    4. 4. Define functions
    5. 5. Loops
    6. 6. Google algorithm Events
    7. 7. Error and Exception Management (Try-catch Block)
    8. 8. Document Object Model Tree
    9. 9. Change the DOM tree
    10. 10. JavaScript Objects - String Object
    11. 11. JavaScript Objects - Date object
    12. 12. JavaScript Objects - Array Object
    13. 13. JavaScript Objects - Math Class (Working with Mathematics)
    14. 14. JavaScript objects – Reg Exp or Regular Expression class (regular or regular expressions)
    15.  15. Object Window
    16. 10. Exercise 1 - Practice Introductory Topics: Arrays and Loops

    18. Exercise 2 - Functions (including recursive functions)

    18. Exercise 3: DOM

    19. Exercise 4: DOM and Slide Show

    20. Exercise 5: DropDown Lists


    21. Exercise 6: DOM and popup photos


    22. Exercise 7: DOM and change the right-click menu on the web page


    23. Exercise 8: DOM and popup photos with screen mask mode

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