• The importance of computer networking lessons

    Friday 18th February 2022 at 19:26

    Nowadays, instead of one big computer doing all the computing, a lot of small computers that are connected do it. These systems are called computer networks. Computer networks are considered as important and practical courses in the field of electrical and computer engineering due to the great use of networks in work environments. The purpose of this course is to learn specialized topics in the field of networking for students in the field of electricity and telecommunications. 

    In addition, this course is an introduction to more advanced courses in telecommunications in the field of wireless telecommunications networks.

    The advent of computers and computer networks

    One of the most important technologies of the twentieth century was the collection, processing and distribution of information. Extensive and international telephone networks, the invention of radio and television, the birth and dramatic expansion of computers, the launch of telecommunications satellites are important symbols of technology of this century.

    With the advent of computers and telecommunications, giant computers gave way to computer networks. Now, instead of one big computer doing all the computing, a lot of small computers that are connected do it. These systems are called computer networks.

    The importance of computer networking lessons

    Computer networking course is one of the most important and practical courses in the field of electrical and computer engineering due to the great use of networks in work environments. 

    Another importance of this course is due to its presence in the main courses of the senior IT entrance exam, with a high coefficient. Therefore, learning this course is very important for electrical engineering, computer science and IT senior entrance exam candidates.

    This course can also be useful for students of electricity and telecommunications and for those who want to learn more specialized topics in the field of networking. 

    In addition, this key course can be an introduction to more advanced courses in senior telecommunications in the field of wireless telecommunications networks, such as cellular cell networks or contingency networks.

    One of the important references of computer networking lessons

    The Computer Networks book by Andrew S. Tanenbaum is a reference and one of the best books on the web. This book is the reference of this course in many important universities of the world as well as Iran.

    General Topics in Computer Networking Lesson 1:

    In the first lesson, the basics and general topics related to computer networks are presented. In the second lesson, after a brief introduction to the principles of data communication, the physical layer is discussed. Lesson 3 deals with the data link layer. 

    These concepts are time independent and are useful as basic topics at any time. In the fourth lesson, the topics under the layer of control of access to transmission media are discussed.

    The list of topics and outlines of the topics discussed in this training series is as follows:

    • Lesson 1: Introduction and general topics related to computer networks
      • Applications of computer networks
      • Network hardware
        • Personal networks
        • Local area networks
        • Urban networks
        • wide networks
        • Network Networks
      • Network software
        • Hierarchy of protocols
        • Considerations in layer design
        • Connected and offline services
        • Basic service functions
        • Service and protocol relationship
      • Reference models
        • OSI reference model
        • TCP / IP reference model
        • Comparison of OSI and TCP / IP models
        • A critical look at the OSI model and its protocols
      • Sample networks
        • Internet
        • Third Generation Mobile Networks
        • Wireless LANs: 802.11
        • RFID and sensor networks
      • Network standardization
        • Authorities responsible for standardization in the world of telecommunications
        • Responsible authorities in the world of international standards
        • References responsible for Internet standards
      • Units of measurement
    • Lesson Two: The Physical Layer
      • Theoretical foundations of data telecommunications
        • February analysis
        • Bandwidth limit
        • Maximum data rate per channel
      • Conductive transmission media
        • Magnetic media
        • The couple shone
        • Coaxial cable
        • Optical fiber
      • Wireless transmission
        • Electromagnetic spectrum
        • Radio communications
        • Contacts Microwave
        • Infrared waves
        • Optical Communications
      • Telecommunication satellites
        • Fixed Earth satellites
        • Medium orbit satellites
        • Medium orbit satellites
        • Satellite or fiber optics
      • Digital modulation and multiplexing
        • Base transfer
        • Intermediate band transfer
        • Frequency division multiplexing
        • Time division multiplex
        • Multiplex split code
      • Public telephone network
        • Telephone system structure
        • Telephone and politics
        • Local circuit: modem, ADSL and fiber
        • Trunks and multiplexing
        • Switching
      • Mobile system
        • First Generation Mobile Phones: Analog Audio
        • Second Generation Mobile Phones: Digital Voice
        • Third Generation Mobile Phones: Digital Voice and Data
      • Cable TV
        • TV with central antenna
        • Cable Internet
        • Frequency spectrum allocation
        • Cable modems
        • Cable or ADSL modems
    • Lesson three: The data link layer
      • Data link design considerations
        • Services provided to the network layer
        • Framing
        • Error control
        • Flow Control
      • Error detection and correction
        • Error correction codes
        • Error detection codes
      • Basic data link protocols
        • The ideal one-way protocol
        • Stop Protocol - One-way waiting for error-free channels
        • Stop Protocol - One-way waiting for noisy channels
      • Slider window protocols
        • 1-bit slider window protocol
        • N-frame protocol goes backwards
        • Selective iteration protocol
      • A few examples of data link protocols
        • ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Line)
    • Lesson 4: Transmission Media Access Control Sublayer
      • The issue of channel allocation
        • Static channel allocation
        • Dynamic channel allocation assumptions
        • Start page
      • Multiple access protocols
        • ALOHA protocol
        • Multiple Access Protocols with Carrier Signal Interception Capability (CSMA)
        • Non-collision protocols
        • Limited competition protocols
        • Wireless LAN network protocols
      • Ethernet
        • The physical layer in classical Ethernet
        • MAC Sublayer Protocol in Classic Ethernet
        • Ethernet performance
        • Switch-based Ethernet
        • Fast Ethernet
        • Gigabit Ethernet
        • 10 Gigabit Ethernet
        • Take a look at the past of Ethernet
      • Wireless LAN
        • 802.11 Protocol Architecture and Stack
        • Physical layer in 802.11
        • MAC Sublayer Protocol in 802.11
        • Frame structure in 802.11
        • Services
      • Broadband wireless
        • Compare 802/11 with 802/16 and 3G
        • 802.16 Protocol Architecture and Stack
        • Physical layer in 802.16
        • MAC Sublayer Protocol in 802.16
        • Frame structure in 802.16
      • Bluetooth
        • Bluetooth architecture
        • Bluetooth applications
        • Bluetooth protocol stack
        • Radio layer on Bluetooth
        • Link layers in Bluetooth
        • Frame structure in Bluetooth
      • RFID
        • Second generation EPC architecture
        • Physical layer in the second generation EPC
        • Label identification layer in second generation EPC
        • Format messages in the tag recognition protocol
      • Switching in the data link layer
        • Bridge applications
        • Bridges based on learning algorithm
        • Bridges based on spanning tree algorithm
        • Repeater, hub, bridge, switch, router and gateway
        • Virtual LANs
      • Prove the formulas of the fourth lesson
      • DEMO

    What you will see in this tutorial:

    PDF file Instructor presentation notes


    1.      Introduction and general topics related to computer networks (a) 

    2.      Video playback

    3.      Introduction and general topics related to computer networks (b) 

    4.      Introduction and general topics related to computer networks (p) 

    5.      Introduction and general topics related to computer networks (T) 

    6.      Introduction and general topics related to computer networks (e) 

    7.      Introduction and general topics related to computer networks (c) 

    8.      Introduction and general topics related to computer networks (h) 

    9.      Physical layer (a) 

    10.  Physical layer (b) 

    11.  Physical layer (c) 

    12.  Physical layer (d) 

    13.  Physical layer (s) 

    14.  Physical layer (c) 

    15.  Data link layer

    16.  Transmission media access control sublayer (a) 

    17.  Transmission media access control sublayer (b) 

    18.  Transmission Media Access Control Sublayer (P) 

    19.  Demo 

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